Youth in Afghanistan is in a very bad situation according to our village in Kabul city most of youth are jobless they are educated people but they don’t have job if the condition of youth going to be like these it well damage our society.
youth in Afghanistan 18 years or more then 18 years when they graduate from high school they can not work like uneducated if they work like them they feeling shim and they well say why I should work like them coz I spend my 12 years in education if I work like them what is the deferent between him and me .
So they have to site at home and wait for any job according to his or her knowledge
I know one young boy who graduated form high school he applied for job six month but no result came finally he come to bad action and he is starting drags now he have to fine money for drags so any kind of bad action now he can do .
So in our online forms we should give each other our idea and fine some solution for our youth in Afghanistan .
Thank you
Kabul ILC
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I want to share my idea about kabul youth group, that they have more problems regarding job/jobless but it is not the problem of only kabul, it we take a survey in others provinces of Afghanistan they don't have primary schools , it the bigest problem in all Afghanistan if youth pass school, univeristy and othere educational trainings they will not get job, according some internal problems , if he/her wanna go to some organization they will say how mony years work expereince do you have and also ask about the recommandation if they dont have recommandation the organizations dont have any chance for them finaly he lose has wishe , it is the basicaly work of higher education ministry that they make more facilities for they youth , so it is the basic problems of Afghan youth , Afghan Goverment should make along Stratigy regarding higher education , the Govement should prevent brab and recommandation that is my advice to all Afhgan youth that they have patience like some of patient Afghan youth and take part for the woking for the improvment of their sweet country Afhganistan and never look to other hand and help such now.
by my idea if we i mean the youth start the work from now for the development in future there willnot be in problems the our Courntry and our Afghan people will happay and promoted.
Omid Hairan
JAAILC Student
Nangarhar province
by the name of Allah
first of all i want say wellcom to all participants of online forums.
i Mazeedullah read cearfully kabuls forum.that was so intresting
topic about Condition of youth in Afghanistan but i am disagree with one point of this topic that they mentioned,here was a guy which graduated from high School, six month he applied to different jobs but he cant got job or no one give him job, we youth should say it is no problem that he didnt find job if we see or focuse on our country that how much wars or striffs pass on our country how much people lift from education and how much Doctors,engineers and Teachers of our country were jobless and they run the welbarow, we should say no problem that we sadanly graduate from school and dont find any job if today we cant find job it is no problem we will find it tomorrow, the day after tomorrow we should have patienc we wont worry becouse we are youth we are the hope of our people and country.
it is not fair that if youty dont find job they become drug saler or become soside and dimage their country or kill their brothers and dimage lives of their compitriot,
i say that patienc is better then these negitive action which the mention guy did it
JAAILC Volunteer Teacher and Assistant of YLC
First of all salaam and I want to share my ideas to Kabul and all afghan youths
I read the problem of Kabul youth only they aren’t have these problems but the problem are these of all afghan youths.
We should patience and competition with these problems and we wont lose the hope, we should continue to get knowledge.
The Government of Afghanistan should know about the problem of Afghani youths and find the solving ways. Afghan youth should try their best to learn more and more things, if they learn these things they will get the job easily and they wont be stay jobless ,we shouldn’t shame to work with uneducated persons may be they learn something from us then we will enforcement the Hades of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) it said learn knowledge and show it to your Muslim brothers and also its not true to sit at home we must try to earn more knowledge .
Shafiullah.”Hameedi” Student of JAA ILC
We read the problems Kabul youth that they have problems in every part of their life also other provinces of Afghanistan have problem Kabul youth have better facilities than other provinces of Afghanistan in paktia, helmand, kunar, and kandahar there are no security they cant go to school and they aren’t In secure no facilities for getting education and working no attention from our government and also help organization cant work there for they aren’t in secure our youth on those provinces they are jobless no facilities for education and they have habit of drug they are obligate to find many for his drugs and growing of drug going improving day by day our youth have the sense and love with education but they haven’t facilities and they jobless uneducated and jobless is the biggest problem of our youth our government should make urgently any strategy for youth problem there for youth basic next build of Afghanistan our government should make this basic
Our country Afghanistan has strike war for thirty years we should avoid our country from strike again that’s duty of Afghanistan youth our government should make factory and mobilization program and make modern universities in in popular province of Afghanistan our should high education background of our youth and make chances of foreign country for getting education our government has lots of money in the banks but they don’t spend for Education System of youth.
My message is for youth: I request from all our youth brothers that in every parts of Afghanistan To get knowledge and don’t loss their time and don’t have the habit of drugs and we should avoid our young brothers and sisters from suicide attack in Afghanistan and I request from all youth come and start the working for the improvement of our nice country Afghanistan.
JAAILC Student
YLC Member
Nangarhar province
every person of afghanistan has problem
Dear Afghan youth I am happy to read your information about the condition (problems) of Afghan youth so I have few infromation about Afghan youth , that they can promote by them selves.
Today every youth can learn high education in Afghanistan if was male or female. Because we have different kind of education sources in the different part of Afghanistan One of them is private and the other one is volunteer. So if a youth has not economical problems he can complete his education in private courses or in private Universities without some problems and the other one which he has economical problem he also can learn in volunteer education sources for example in Jalalabad we have lots of volunteer education sources such as JAAILC or Jalalabad Internet Learning Center, Rona Institute, Sherzai course and so on….
Also we have a lot of Islamic subjects centers in the different ports of Afghanistan. So every youth must be try to learn knowledge. At first steppe all of them should be try to learn Islamic subjects because it is so important. At second steppe they should be try to learn the modern subjects in each condition of live. Because in a good condition of live every one can learn education. I think the better one is that youth which he learns education in bad condition of live. So all of youths are most important they must be try to learn education in different kinds because the future of Afghanistan looks to them. When they did not have enough knowledge they could not do their daily works successfully and they could not to make their country too at final I want to say a gain the knowledge is so important every one must be try to get it.
Mohammad Eisa “Hamid”
Student in JAAILC or Internet Learning Center in Jalalabad.
YLC Member
Dear Shugufa Jan
I think that was the reality that you mention.
I know that the youth of Afghanistan has lots of problem in many deferent ways such as (educational, economical, and social and has the problem with the security)
But! The government can not solve their problems unless we do not help them. For example in security if we faced a kind of terrorists that they want to explode bombs firing rockets and doing suicide attacks and want to do some illegal action around our country so we must inform to the police and contact to the government that they can easily arrest the criminal.
I think that we mentioned in our basic topic that this is not the responsibility of the government so every young must solve his/her problem by him/her self and make a better life for them selves.
Best of luck
Nangarhar youth leader
Azatullah “Sahil”
it is clear that in afghanistan is not any job for those persons that they passed their education and its govermemt responsibelity to give for them job and their ec onemy is bad and they are very apset for their future that what they should do for their family and its more necesery ( important) to get the job or do something else for their country .
dear shafiullah first of all thank u for your message and with u r nice idea but it is true that we mention about youth whic using drugs if u accept or not but it is true in kabul city without bribe and without intermediator u can not find any job i told u there are alot of example one master trainer which studied in rushia he had master digree he shoud teach in kabul university according to his subject but he try alot no result why .
it is becouse he didnt know any one in kabul univercity there is alot of teacher who dont have master digree the have job .
thank u
Dear Ezatullah;
can u say this that what a govrnment is for?why we can say government?and wehy all are putting thier eyes for government?
Dear Afghan youth in all Afghanistan i want to say my idea (advice) aobut the condition of youth in Afghanistan,
Afghan youth are same as others youth intelligent and strong most of them are students and they study in the different parts of knowledge.
they are honist and friendly when some one facing with problem they helpe with each other. they are strong because they insist with alot of problems now a days in Afghan society students have lots of problems ,unfortunitly now a days who want to get modren knowledge as a computer programing , languages, and many more , he has to pay alot of money but they couldnt pay it because their fimaly are very poor , fortunitly there is a few free Educational Centers in each region of Afghaninstan such as Relief International Internet learning Center and etc.
but it isn't enogh because in each Center we have twanty or more then computers so how can we reach them for the 1000 pupales .
up to now we dont have library every City has park but it isnt as much big when some one want to study they should come to the park and they like very much sport as well if they excercise in the park so where are they study or if they study there so where are they excercise when the atlethes of the City want to take races with the atlethes of other city they should come out of the twon to the desert and play there with alot of dust because we dont have playground and also it is posible that dust make an atleth sick but we proud by Afghan youth that they save bright their flag.
At the end we hope from our Governement and other Organization to help with us and try to promote Afghanistan and Afghan youth.
Abdul Qahar MahmmadZai
JAA-ILC Student and YLC Member
Nangarhar province
dear shugufa
i know that government havt to take care of the conutry but they can not do this alon unless we do not help them
for example: if ther a torrirest live in your naighborhood and he is doing some illigale action around afghanistan so that is your responsibilty to infome the police and get contact with the government
best of luck
Azatullah "Sahil"
As u mentioned before when a person graduated from high school they are felling shame to work in different field ,what should they do for there future ?
by M Yusuf ilc educator
Dear all,
I m Khyber Himat, the responsible of managing the Online Forums, i was out of office and just came, Please make sure your comments are on "Youth Condition in Afghanistan" since i m expereincing some of the comments are being published personaly, after this your all comments will be approved and then will be visible on the website
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I am fawzia on of the student in Taluqan ILC ,
u mentioned the bad situation of Afghanistna could u tell me who can solve this problem ,
in my Idea youths must stand up from the sleeping and they show thire self active , look how many countries are helping us
we shold think how we can do for solving the problems of 20 year war .
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